They say that there is a book in all of us. That may be very true. I have wanted to write a book for a very long time, but have never really gone very far with it.
Finally, after years of bra fitting training and experience, I have decided that I have enough information to share in the form of a book. The topic is bra fitting.
My writing endeavor started yesterday and is just over the 3500 word mark. I have barely captured the many items that I would like to cover. In fact, I think it would be best to break a few of the topics into separate books. I envision at least a three book series.
The first book will cover the basics of getting a bra that fits. The second will discuss the different types of bras in more detail. The third will relate to swimwear. Who knows where I will go from there?

It’s a very exciting project that allows me to share my knowledge and experience.
To date, the first book has covered many basic topics. I want women to know how to determine what bra they want to buy before they head out to the stores. It’s also important to know what mood you should be in to shop. Of course, it’s essential to know who to take along on your trip.
Let’s face facts. Buying a bra is an extremely frustrating challenge for most women. Yes, there are those who can walk into any store and buy the first item that they see without trying it on. Most women never have that experience. Buying a bra is a stressful activity that is often avoided. In many cases, shopping trips result in adding one more to the back of the drawer.
I am covering all of these issues in the book. It’s important for women to know how to shop, when to shop, and where to shop.
You want to know how a bra is sized. You may ask if you fit the same size for every manufacturer and style. Hint, you don’t. Every bra is different, but there is a good reason for that. One size, or style, does not fit all.
On my website, on the custom-fitted bra pages you will find a selection of bras that I sell and fit in my studio, and a selection of links to companies that sell a wide range of styles. No woman should be without a properly fitted bra. Even those wearing a size 40J. There is a bra for you. Look for assistance on the bra pages and read previous blogs regarding fitting.
Send an email to to have personal questions answered.
I’ll do my best to post updates regarding the progress of the book. It will be a must-have for every woman.
Julianna Rae

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